My Philosophy
Connecting back with mother nature
Eternal Echo was born in Margate to help the people find a way to reconect with themselves on a deeper meaningful, soulful level. Opening minds to the possibility of change, to the possibility of acceptence, to the possibility of letting go of the past, letting go of people, letting go of bad habbits. And seeing a light at the end of the tunnel in some cases. To become living from a place of love and appreciation for yourself, for the earth and the higher forces we can harness.
Tapping into energy bigger than the physical world. Through these sessions I am here to guide you and I am here to remind you. . . Our special space we create together vibrates the energy force as we flow through ourselves, through movement and through breath, until we find ourselves in a deep medative state. Giving our minds and our bodys a chance to settle, to melt into our mat, to merge back with our soul and with the universe once again.
A little bit About
I was introduced to yoga as a child by my mother who led a combination of yoga, tai chi & meditation classes. My favourite part was always Shavasana (the meditation right at the end) and balance poses. Here is where I would find true connection to my mind, my focus and really listen to my body. As I journeyed through life there were times I picked up yoga/meditation and then would put it down again like most yogi stories. It wasn't until I found myself in a rut and vicious cycle of self neglect, overthinking, uncertainty, self doubt, addiction, flashbacks and a whirlwind of depression. In the end I travelled to India and stayed in the Himalayas to do my YTT training. I discovered the raw meaning of yoga and how it can transform lives, truly. There was so much to learn and now there is so much I want to share. To help other people through their journeys and find their way back to themselves. With a trauma based approach I focus on releasing stress from the body and moving consciousness to a higher more peaceful and magical level.
Lillie Laverick
Ancient Himalayan Traditional Yoga
The original Yogi's practised over 5,000 years ago in Northern India, living in the worlds largest Mountain range, The Himalayas. Each morning at sunrise, they would gather, facing the sun, to engage in deep spiritual practices and then again at sunset. Performing mantra's (chanting), meditation, breathwork and asanas (yoga postures) to let their mind, body and spirit be absorbed in complete calmness. Harmonising with the universal flow of energy.
This was called Hatha Yoga - The Art of Balance. The balance between masculine and feminine energies, sun and moon, active and passive, the ying and the yang. The balance of our minds & our bodies, the balance of our diet, the balance of our lifestyle. And from this we find the balance in our spirits. We do not need to find balance necessarily in the energy around us. But to create the balance of energy inside of us. From here we begin to find the ultimate we can find the divine. From the higher consciousness we find the power and the strength to do incredible things in this very special life we have been given the chance of.